Jonathan Tanudjaja

Work experience

  • 🇸🇬 NTUC Enterprise

    Improving online grocery experience at one of the largest supermarket chain in Singapore, Fairprice.

  • 🇸🇬 Shopee

    Develop and maintain internal tools to make sure business operation run smoothly.

  • 🇮🇩 Traveloka

    Engineer of accommodation (hotel) team. Develop and maintain all web-application from user-facing app, partner portal and internal tools.

  • 🇮🇩 IT Division Binus

    Fullstack engineer, built several major feature for university applications.


  • [Side Project] Comical

    Web based app comic reader

  • [Side Project] Glimpse

    Private photo and video sharing app, work on multiplatform

  • [NTUC Enterprise] Fairprice Online Grocery

    Online Grocery for fairprice, one of the largest supermarket chain in Singapore

  • [Shopee] SDK management portal


    Portal to manage Go-lang sdk that used by internal company.

  • [Shopee] RBAC portal


    Facilitate other staff to manage their portal user access.

  • [Traveloka] Pay upon Check-In
    ReactRestful API

    Allow user to book accommodation without any / less fee at booking time.

  • [Traveloka] Alternative accommodation

    Enable new funnel to broaden Traveloka product awareness.

  • [Traveloka] Campaign management

    FormikQuilljsReactReact Drag & DropTypescript

    CMS for campaign, work with rich text editor and drag-and-drop.

  • [IT Division Binus] Course Management System

    PHPSql ServerjQuery

    Enable faculty member to create course material with ease.

  • [IT Division Binus] Parent portal
    PHPSql ServerjQuery

    Portal to allow parent of student to retrieve student information such as attendance, score, and financial status.